generations campaign and logo the third phase of a 10-year capitol campaign in the mid-2000’s for Mariners Church focused on a youth center, skate park and a chapel that appealed to a range of generations.
mariners street fair brand this image was one of the only times we abstracted the official logo of mariners church (at the time), breaking all brand guidelines, but making it work.
easter : look and logo i designed this logo and look-and-feel for the easter celebration at mariners church, one of two major celebrations during the year where attendance at the church can top 18,000.
the stories of christmas promotion created in the feel of an advent calendar, this photo cleverly revealed the graphics that would be used in the service during christmas eve.
the daily message : cover / spine / back cover design each year the people of Mariners Church read through the bible in some form. for this particular year, i did the cover design for the daily readings from the message translation.
one year bible : leather bound-cover design. each year the people of Mariners Church read through the bible in some form. for this particular year, i did the leather cover design for the the one year chronological bible.
daily walk bible : cover / spine / back cover design each year the people of Mariners Church read through the bible in some form. for this particular year, i did the cover design for the daily readings from the daily walk bible by tyndale.